Press coverage

Mainstream media accounts of the Crete Detention center were minimal, and mostly reading as advertisements for how fantastic the conditions would be for those detained. We hoped our actions would change this. The articles below generally do little to address the issue of immigrant detention, the extent to which enforcement and the exploitation of cheap labor are the cornerstones of corporate globalization. They are also extremely selective in terms of the people and voices and perspectives they are representing: filtering out the bulk of our analysis, toning down our passion. Until we have the strength and capacity to produce our own accounts, our own narrative and media about the action, here is a selection of the press coverage:

Waging NonViolence: Prison and immigrant activists celebrate victory over ICE detention center

Actions during NATO – escalating the pressure in Chicago and pushing the issue of detention on  th anti-NATO agenda

UPDATE: Indymedia Chicago Hundreds Protest ICE and Call on Them to Stop Racist Practices

UPDATE: Chicago Now Anti-NATO activists make the connection between military alliance and local immigration battles

NBC Chicago : Demonstrators Arrested at Immigration Protest

CBS Chicago Four Arrested at Immigration Protest in the South Loop

Chicago Sun Times: Last of NATO Protesters gather on Michigan Ave

Shut Down ICE

NATO Protests end Peacefully

Walk to Crete:

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